CATU MP-213 Blade and Cartridge Cable Spiking Kit

CATU MP-213 Blade and Cartridge Cable Spiking Kit

Rp. 138,500,000
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CATU Cable Spike Equipment - CATU MP-213 Cable Spiking Tools
Multistrand copper earth wire 70 mm2 x 2.50 m with earth clamp. Underground systems Cable testing stick Enables piercing of cable insulation and shielding, earthing up to 50 kV. Capacity: 70 mm dia. Carrying Case available separately (MP-02). Ratchet type operating handle.MP-211 1.60 m 8.75Ø 60 maxi Reference Double cutting angle blade. Cable-guide with protecting guide. 0.60 m insulating sleeve with 0.80 m extender.

Must be placed over the piercing point Insulating blanket 960 Reference g MP-212 Hole for handle. 900 X 900 Ø 50 mm Cable spike equipment Device to test the voltage on underground cables (1st and 2nd categories) and their earthing, using a system with 9** mm bullet and throwing in the cable a steel treated blade. 

Cable spike Spare blade for spade-cable MP-213 Blade extractor for spade-cable MP-213 Reference Characteristics 20000 20 200 g MP-213 * MP-213/LAM MP-213/EXT * Delivered complete in suitcase. ** 9 mm bullet not included and not supplied by CATU. kg mm mm Medium Voltage Equipment / Underground systems